Sponsor a Primary School Child

£15 per month

The children at our schools are very poor, many cannot afford school fees, or uniforms, or even the books to write in. Please help us to help them by sponsoring one of the children on the next pages. By sponsoring a child through Love In Action you are paying for the education of a child in Uganda. This sponsorship covers school fees, uniform, school requirements and pays for a school lunch every day.

We provide letters, photos, and school reports on our web site for you to look at and print out. Currently the administration work in the UK occurs very little costs and is covered by volunteers. Copies of our accounts are available on request.

Please note: While you have a named sponsored child all sponsorship money (including Gift Aid) is pooled in order to provide education for children in Uganda, this ensures that all the children in our care are provided for and benefit from your support.

Please choose a child – or there is a button at the bottom of the page for us to choose a child for you.

spondor a child3

Please let us know you want to sponsor a primary school child by filling in this form:

My Response


Sponsor using PayPal

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